9. Child Abuse - Part 2

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/forensic-nurse-files/episodes/9--Child-Abuse---Part-2-e23vdoc

Per the CDC, at least 1 in 7 children experienced child abuse or neglect in the past year in the United States. This number is estimated to be even higher but many cases go unreported. This is an extremely heavy topic that we hope we can help to bring more awareness to. This Episode contains risk factors, how to prevent and what we do when we are called to a suspected child abuse case.


Prevent Child Abuse America:


CDC Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention:


Nemours Children's Health:


Help Guide:


Child Help:



Website: forensicnursefiles.com

Gmail: [email protected]

IG/Facebook/Tiktok: @forensicnursefiles

Are you a nurse or healthcare provider in the forensics field? Reach out to us! We would love to feature you anonymously on an episode!


Forensic Nurse Files is a true crime podcast following the careers of three forensic nurse examiners.

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